Getting involved is where church life becomes so much more than casual attendance – and much more rewarding through giving and serving - making a difference in the lives of others for the glory of God.  Each one of us has a God-given ability to become an active member of the Body of Christ.  See what God can do through you!

Joining one of our ministry teams gives you an opportunity to develop and put into action the gift and talent God has given you.   In working with a team, friendships are forged as we link up with others to meet the needs of the church family.  Some of our ministry teams include Hospitality, Summit Kids, Prayer Team, and our Worship Team.  At Summit Springs we host outreach ministries to our community throughout the year as well.

If you want to be a part of a Ministry Team, visit our Welcome Center in the church foyer,  review our church monthly bulletins, or check out our EVENTS page.  Church life is better than best when you connect through Ministry Teams!